Writerly Things
The Official Blog of Author Tristan Vick
Needles to say, my summer vacation was NOT productive. With the kids home from school everyday, there was little to any time to really settle in and write. On top of this, the first thing my lovely children did was spread all their school sicknesses around the household for a week. I was out of commission for a solid two weeks. After which is was homework and heading to the pool for summer fun. With the summer several weeks behind us, I was looking forward to getting back into the swing of things. But my other business (of running my own private English school here in Japan) took off. I got 8 new students. Which is a lot for a small private school of just two (my wife and I). So we got bogged down with the business and had to do some major rescheduling. But the first week of September I kicked off with a successful lecture on self-publishing to some Japanese folks. I kept it simple as I wasn't lecturing to native speakers or fellow authors. But it went over well. Even though Kindle has been in Japan for about eight years now, most people don't own one or know about Amazon's self-publishing enterprise. So, it was fun to relay the stuff I do to publish an e-book. Everyone really seemed to enjoy it and I got lots of great questions and compliments afterwards. If I could do this more often I would! Now that school has started back up here in Japan, I'm kid free and ready to get back into it. And there's a lot to report.
By the end of this month I'll release my book Dark Forces of Nature collecting 8 sci-fi short stories with a horrific twist--think along the lines of Black Mirror or The Twilight Zone. Around the 15th of October I'll be releasing a Valandra short story which fills in some of the gaps of the big war with Ashram and how Queen Sabine came to get a magically power metal arm. It will be called Valandra: The Black Knight & The Golden Arm. Immediately after that, I will write Valandra books 4, 5, and 6. This should allow for a December, January, and February release of the second trilogy in my fantasy series. Following these I will release my long awaited (often delayed) Robotica cyberpunk novel and my Bitten 4 novel. These should hit March and May of 2018 respectively. Then, from May through July, I'll be working on my sci-fi space opera series The Daughter of Sol. I have several years worth of stories plotted and the first major arc roughly outlined. How long it will run is anyone's guess. But like Valandra I plan on writing the arc in 3-arc trilogies so that the stories half a bit of self-contained continuity as I send the characters on many adventures. I prefer mini-arc (seasons) to large, endless, sprawling yarns that don't go anywhere. Along with these major works I have several short stories in mind, and I plan to join some boxed anthologies later this year too. I'll keep everyone posted as updates are available. Peace and chicken grease! --Author Tristan Vick
Tristan VickBy day I am an educator and a cultural ambassador. By night I entertain notions of being a literary master. In reality I am just a family man and ordinary guy who works hard and loves writing just about as much as I love my family. Just about. AVAILABLE NOWNEWSLETTER